Working to Live or Live to Work: What is Karoshi and Why Must You Avoid it?

In Japan there is a phenomenon known as karoshi. In South Korea, it is referred to as gwarosa. In China, it is called guolaosi. All of these terms refer to what the Japanese call “overwork death.” The first case of karōshi was reported in 1969 with the stroke-related death of a 29-year-old male worker in the shipping department of Japan’s largest newspaper company. The term was coined to refer to an increasing number of people suffering from fatal strokes and heart attacks attributed to overwork. This led the Japanese government to implement “premium Friday” which allows workers to leave the office early on the last Friday of every month.

It is important and admirable to have a strong work ethic. However, your work ethic doesn’t mean very much and isn’t very useful if you’re dead. This is why it is so important to create balance between the work you do towards fulfilling your purpose with family time and self-care. Paul told the church in Ephesus to “redeem the time.” This means that we need to make the most of every moment, but that doesn’t mean every moment needs to be dedicated to work. The ministry of Jesus was thriving and His name was becoming well known. Wherever He went, people followed and they wanted His attention and assistance. “…The report went around concerning Him all the more; and great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by Him of their infirmities.  So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” (Luke 5:15-16) Even Jesus knew He needed to build in some personal time so that He would be effective for the work He was doing.

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” It is wise to plan out your day as much as possible. There may be things that come up unexpectedly, such as a sick child or a flat tire, but a general daily outline will ease your mind and help to prevent ‘death by work.’ “The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of fools is deceit” (Proverbs 14:8). Prudent means sensible, practical, or farsighted. In other words, in order to “understand your way forward” you have to be able to see where you’re going before you get there. In this scripture the word folly means recklessness, idiocy, or foolishness. When we are reckless with our time or foolish in what we attempt to accomplish in a given day we run the risk of hurt or harm to ourselves and those we love.

When you and I are operating in our proper purpose, every activity should not be burdensome. What may be difficult for others will be easier for you based on the talents, gifts and abilities that God has given you. This isn’t to negate the effort that will need to be applied but it is to affirm the results and joy that will be attained by you in the process. Jesus said, “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matt. 11:30). He didn’t say that there won’t be a burden to bear.

Overwork death is not just a cultural phenomenon, it is a human phenomenon. It can be brought on by attempting to do what you were never designed to do or by not preparing yourself for the work that you were called to do. Your purpose may not be a specific profession but it may entail a specific skill or ability. You may be a good writer or speaker but that doesn’t necessarily mean your job is to be an author or a spokesperson. However, the time you spend perfecting your skill, purpose and ability will be the best way you can redeem the time (Ephesians 5:16). This will allow you to spend less time deciding what to do when your name is called or when God needs to use you and more time with your family, God, or with yourself.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way” (Psalm 37:23). The key in redeeming the time is first starting and then sustaining. Don’t waste time wondering if it is your time. He placed you in this time on purpose. Start studying now! Start writing the business plan now! Start connecting with others now! What books do you need to read? Who do you need to take to lunch so that you can pick their brain? Where do you need to invest or sew a seed? Don’t just work. Work with intentionality. Don’t compromise and waste your most valuable resource – time. Master this and you will live to work, instead of die from work.

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