Discovering An Answer (ONE-MINUTE Video Blog)


The experiences you have had are often necessary to in the process of discovering the man or woman you have become or are becoming. If you’ve had a difficult past, don’t disregard your past just redefine it. You may have been through a traumatic experience as a child but what you learned from that situation has now enabled you to counsel hundreds of other young people. You may have gotten involved with a charity organization in high school that gave you the skills to run your own non-profit. There may have been a mentor that helped shape the man or woman you have become, which now has given you courage, confidence and character to serve scores of other youth.

Sometimes the quality of the questions we ask determines the answers we receive. The question we need to ask is, what does your past tell you about your future? Maybe nothing or maybe everything. After reading this and pondering the implications, hopefully you can connect the dots of your life – whether they seem momentous or miniscule. In the financial world they say that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Remember that nothing is yours until you discover it for yourself. One reason Jesus often spoke in parables is because He wanted to respect everyone’s right to remain ignorant. He never wanted to assume that anyone wanted the information He was giving out. What have you discovered in life? It is likely that you have a better memory for anything you learned serendipitously or through your own investigative efforts than what you Googled last night.


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