Your Worldview and The Essence of Purpose


French novelist Anaïs Nin said, “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Is that true though? This notion presupposes that we can know who we are in and of ourselves. However, whether or not that is true will itself depend largely on the worldview, which we espouse. A worldview is defined as a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint. This means that whether we gain our identity from the God of the Bible, from the belief in many gods or from a belief that there is no God will determine how we see ourselves, which in turn determines how we see other things.

We each have to determine if our worldview is giving us a view of reality or whether it is causing us to view the world through rose-colored glasses. Life is full of questions – the most important of which is ‘who am I and why am I here?’ Naturalism says there is no one to ask. Modern spirituality says look within and ask yourself. Agnosticism doesn’t know if there is anyone to ask. Islam says don’t you dare ask. Eastern spirituality says, don’t ask, just do. The God of the Bible says, “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” (Isaiah 65:24 NLT). Jesus affirms this in saying, “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it…And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth…I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:13-18).

Your worldview precedes your passion, which in turn manifests your purpose. The essence (identifying nature) of your purpose will be derived from the source of that purpose. That is, what you do (purpose) and how you do it proceeds from whose you are or aren’t (worldview). Everything about what we can observe scientifically or experientially tells us that everything that exists had a source or a beginning. Every beginning has a beginner. Therefore, if we look to ourselves as the source of why we are here (our purpose), knowing that we cannot be our own source, then we are likely to miss the essence of why we exist. The source I’m speaking of goes far beyond our parents as well because no matter what worldview someone has, there had to be a first set of parents. The question should arise, who created them and what was their purpose?


How is it that we have such technological advancements and so much hate at the same time? We have so many things that are supposed to make us happy, yet suicide is at an all time high? The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention records that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in this country and costs the U.S. approximately $51 billion per year! There is a certain hopelessness that arises out of feelings of uncertainty about the events occurring around us. But if our worldview leads to us to the conclusion that life has no meaning, what hope could there possibly be? Purpose is defined as original intent. When I think of the fine-tuning of the universe the intentionality of God is evident. He is purposeful. Why would He be any less purposeful regarding your life or mine? He is the source of all beings and all meaning. Naturalism, materialism or atheism can’t provide us an answer regarding life’s meaning because they can’t tell us the source of where that meaning would emanate from. In a Christian worldview life has meaning because we are eternally connected to the One who gives meaning to all things.


Your purpose has a source that even our parents cannot discern because although they created us genetically, there is a primary source that created us spiritually. Though some may disagree with this notion, what is undeniable is that we all search for truth in life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Only in the Christian worldview is truth not simply a concept, but a person. This means when there are questions to be asked, there is in this worldview someone available to answer. Once we receive the answers that allow us to understand our purpose we can then direct our energy towards that end and deliver a message loud and clear that life has meaning and we can and should be connected to the one source who gives meaning to all things.

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