Understanding Kingdom Citizens (Audio Blog)


Dr. Myles Munroe defined a Kingdom as the governing influence of a King over a territory impacting that territory with His will, purpose and intent producing a citizenry who take on His culture, nature, values, character, and moral standards. One of the most missed and most powerful concepts in Christianity is that we are citizens of a country known as heaven which is the primary territory of the Kingdom of God. We in essence have dual citizenship. However, our power, position and potential are rooted in our primary heavenly citizenship. 

A large part of discovering your purpose is discovering how it fits into God’s Kingdom plan. While on earth, Jesus spoke and taught more about the Kingdom than about any other topic. It seems as though the thing He talked the most about has somehow become the thing we talk the least about. Furthermore, He lived in such a way that we have a model for how we should live and what level of character we should ascribe to.  

From Genesis to Revelation the word ‘Kingdom’ is used 365 times. Of those, it is communicated at least 155 times in the New Testament. If we parse that out further and examine the gospels (Matt, Mark, Luke, John) Jesus Himself says “Kingdom” 122 times that we know about!            

I remember in school the teacher always told us that if he/she repeated a statement more than once the likelihood that it would be on the test was greatly increased. Based on this standard how many of us would be able to pass a test on the central theme of Jesus’ teaching?  

Listen to this episode from the Relentless Pursuit of Purpose Podcast and learn how to align yourself with the culture of the Kingdom of God in order to ensure the successful fulfillment of your purpose.

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