Provision: Your Tool For A Fresh Start (Audio Blog)


Without proper provision no plans come to pass. In fact, even the best laid plans will be met with obstacles and issues. But a goal without a plan is just a wish. The desires of our heart often never make it past the stage of being a fanciful wish. Often, our actions don’t coincide with the goals we verbalize. The process of getting a wish to become a goal involves a commitment to plan and then a commitment to that plan. If the entirety of the process of realizing your goal consisted of ten steps, knowing what to do would only be step one. Knowing how you will get it done would be steps two through ten. Have you ever had an idea that never came to fruition?

The truth of the matter is that it takes money to make money. There’s no getting around that. We should be judicious  in our use of our time and money. Time is precious because there is a limited amount of it and therefore we should demonstrate how we value it by maximizing our resources. Money is precious because it is the primary form of seed that aids us in fulfilling our purpose.

Listen to this episode from the Relentless Pursuit of Purpose Podcast and learn how to prevent procrastination in order to ensure the successful fulfillment of your purpose.

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