I’m On My Way To Getting Ready To Almost Be There


You were supposed to be at the party at 10pm. However, due to circumstances out of your control (i.e. the game on TV going into overtime) you are now running late. Your friend sends you a text – “where are you?” You reply, “I’m on my way. Almost there.” In reality you have barely begun getting ready and you’re hoping the game doesn’t go into a second overtime because that would be really difficult to explain.

If we aren’t honest with where we are, we won’t get where we’re trying to go. In order to best assess how to get where you’re going, you have to create some concrete steps on how to get there. If you want to build a house, you need to decide what piece of land to buy. Then, where will you acquire the bricks and mortar? Who will handle installing the plumbing, windows and electrical wiring? Furthermore, when should each task be accomplished? How do you assess if you’re behind schedule or ahead of schedule?

In order to live a purposeful life you will first need vision, which is seeing the picture in your mind of what you want to do and why. When I wrote my first book, I knew why I was writing it and why it was necessary. However, at the time I didn’t know anything about the editing process, ISBN numbers, copyrighting, publishing companies, or graphic design. But I was honest in admitting to those that helped me that I don’t know how I’m going to get there – I only know what there looks like.

Can you honestly say that you are taking purposeful steps to get ready to fulfill your purpose?


I have to admit that I’m not a huge fan of networking. I often view it as a necessary evil. It would be great if I was rich and could fund all of my visions alone. It would be great if I knew everything and how to do everything so that I could rely on myself. Unfortunately, neither of these statements are true in my life. That is probably good – otherwise I might be a hermit.

Truthfully, we were never designed to be alone in our pursuit of greatness. Even tennis players who compete in matches without the aid of teammates or active coaching always thank their fans, family, and support staff after their victories. In order to be fully ready to fulfill your purpose ask yourself, ‘who knows what I don’t know?’ ‘Who can see what I can’t see?’ For example, nothing I write gets released without another pair of eyes reviewing it. Who do you trust to watch your blind spots?


Once you are done watching the game, you must get dressed, get in the car and drive to the party. In other words you must take action. Though it’s probably not necessary in order to get to the party, in order to accomplish the big vision that you have, you will need to create a plan of attack. When I did my first conference I first found a location, then solidified speakers. Next I created a promo video and setup registration options. I recruited help to handle the sound, video and other logistics.

Do you know how you’re going to create what you create? Knowing what you’re gifted to do and knowing how best to implement that gift are two different things. What’s the best way to get your message to the world? What’s the best way to respond to the ills you see in society? What’s the best way to create a solution to a problem that you see in society? Are you ready to do the hard work of going from vision to victory?


This phase will look different for every individual. You cannot compare your success with someone else’s success. If you are called to disciple three young men to be faithful and successful stewards of their gifts, then judge your success by whether or not you accomplished that goal. For some, the fulfillment of their purpose will require them to influence the millions. Neither is better than the other.

My friend, Pastor Sam, said, “jealousy causes you not to be able to celebrate someone else’s victory because you feel that you haven’t gotten yours yet.” Maybe there is something you can learn from those people you deem to be ahead of you. Part of accurately assessing if you are ready to move forward is being honest with yourself in regards to your shortcomings.

You may be only one step away from conquering a problem in life but maybe there is one gap or flaw holding you back. He who conquers himself has the potential to conquer the world. But remember if your purpose isn’t submitted back to the One who gave it to you, you’ve missed the point of the gift in the first place. Your purpose is to conquer some issue or area of society for His glorification, not your own.

When this mindset guides your actions, then you are ready to go forward with confidence.

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