Do You Need A Fresh Start? Stop PROCRASTINATING! (Audio blog)


With confidence in your pocket you can proceed to the next phase. Maybe at this point you have achieved some small victories. Most importantly, you’re still in the game. What you do here could determine if or how you finish. Are you still procrastinating? Maybe you have stagnated due to one small thing you’ve overlooked. Do you call for support and talk to a coach? Do you rethink your previous mistakes so that you don’t make them again? Whatever you do, remind yourself about why you began this journey in the first place.

The reason is that what’s inside of you needed to come out. Your desire to build, create, mentor, teach, sing, dance, or govern has brought you to this moment. There’s no turning back. Study your opponent, which may be procrastination, pride, or patience and determine within yourself to defeat it.

Listen to this episode from the Relentless Pursuit of Purpose Podcast and learn how to prevent procrastination in order to ensure the successful fulfillment of your purpose.

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