Do You Need A Fresh Start? Start Planning (Audio blog)


You can’t finish what you never start. Dr. Myles Munroe said, “Your future is not ahead of you, it’s trapped within you.” Many times as we live our lives, going from high school, to college, to graduate school we are seeking to find our place in society. We are seeking what fields of study interest us and what career path will best suit our abilities, likes, and desired income. Although these factors can be great predictors of what we should do, our ultimate factor should be what God needs us to be so that we can best advance His purpose.

What skill, talent or ability do you have inside of you that you feel is being underutilized or unutilized? What would you like to do everyday if money was not a factor? What vision do you think about almost daily that is only hindered by your need to earn a living?

Listen to this episode from the Relentless Pursuit of Purpose Podcast and learn how to plan carefully in order to ensure your successful fulfillment of your purpose.

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