The Purpose Of Failing (ONE-MINUTE Video Blog)


Leaders don’t have the privilege of running away. Failing is a part of life but failure is not an option. They must see the task through to the end. True leadership is most effectively conducted by setting a strong example of the standard that is desired, diligently seeking the goal to be attained or through devotion to a purpose. This is because leadership requires you to be able to offer something to those you lead and serve.  

What’s in you that others can benefit from? What experiences have you been through and learned from? What knowledge do you have in a certain field or pertaining to a certain aspect of life? John Maxwell wrote, “The more intentional you have been in growing personally, the more you have to offer.”

We all need to begin being more intentional about investing in ourselves. Start today! You are your most important asset. Don’t waste it! Once you determine where you are falling short, take measures to improve in those areas. Read more. Build something in to your daily routine that will facilitate your growth.

Failing is the best foundation for growth. Mistakes are the building blocks of success. As a leader you and I have to know that and lead others from the mistake to the mountain. Leadership is intuitive for some, beneficial to all, and necessary for sustained growth and development in every area of life. Leadership is a choice, not a right. It’s about having a humble mindset, and not making an arrogant overstep. It is an aspiration and not about subjugation.

Your purpose should propel you to lead. What are you seeking to master? In mastering your purpose you will at times fail but don’t let an instance of failing become a lifetime of failure. You were meant to pursue ‘some’ goal and to complete ‘some’ purpose in life. What is the world in need of that lies in you and is dying to get out? Don’t die WITH it. LIVE because of it.


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