Eagle Eye Focus Is Vital To The Fulfillment of Your Purpose


An eagle can spot prey 1.9 miles away. It has been reported that as the eagle descends from the sky to attack its prey, the muscles in the eyes continuously adjust the curvature of the eyeballs to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception throughout the approach and attack. The eagle has the ability to focus and maintain focus until it accomplishes what it set out to do.

Natalie Wolchover, a writer for LiveScience, notes, “If you swapped your eyes for an eagle’s, you could see an ant crawling on the ground from the roof of a 10-story building. You could make out the expressions on basketball players’ faces from the worst seats in the arena. Objects directly in your line of sight would appear magnified, and everything would be brilliantly colored, rendered in an inconceivable array of shades.”

Are your sights so set in a purposeful direction that you can’t be thrown off track? As a leader are you so focused on where you are leading those that follow you that no unexpected interruption can cause you to lose your concentration? Are you so focused on becoming the athlete, business owner, social activist, doctor, lawyer, or parent that you initially envisioned that no momentary hindrance can dissuade you from that goal?

The purpose or original intent for who you and I were created to be is built into our very design – from the ways we think to the ways we act. But unlike animals, who through instinct always act in accordance with their design and ability, humans must find other ways to maintain such purposeful focus in life. Have you taken your eye off of the target? You might be going through certain struggles but work to stay focused on your ‘why’ and not get sidetracked by the ‘what’.


They say when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Determination can only be utilized or developed when an obstacle is present. Therefore, if we want to develop the quality of being determined, there must be a hindrance from time to time. An eagle may spot a rabbit on the floor of the forest but there may be trees with branches going in every direction between the eagle and it’s target.

When you saw the young boys or girls struggling to navigate the trials of life, you determined to help them. Then you realized that there were many other obstacles to contend with. The question is, will the need that you noticed be able to keep you focused in order to overcome the myriad of obstacles that come with such work? Maybe you noticed a problem at work or in society that you were initially determined to address but people and their personalities have caused you to take your eye off of the ball. It’s time to refocus and remain determined.


When you know what your purpose is you will have to make decisions with that as your foundation. For example, if your purpose is to address homelessness in your city, it will take time, effort, and energy to fulfill that purpose. This will inevitably force you to make a decision to say ‘no’ to doing some other things. Those other things may be very good and beneficial endeavors but if they take you away for too long from your intended goal, you have to have the fortitude to say no.

Have you made any decisions this week, this month or this year, that you now realize are taking your focus away from completing what you began? What decisions in life do you wish you could make differently? How can you ensure that you make a wiser decision the next time you are faced with similar circumstances?


Those that have the fortitude to stand tall and remain focused in the midst of the most difficult situations shape their destiny. What your destiny will be in life is yet to be determined. However, a good predictor of if you will be successful in becoming the singer, dancer, entrepreneur, business owner, speaker, teacher, or author that you could be will be how you maintain your purpose-filled focus in the smaller moments of life.

Eagles can identify five distinctly-colored squirrels and locate their prey even if hidden. On a daily basis, what measures do you have in place to focus on the correct squirrel? Which tasks can wait and which ones are vital to the fulfillment of your purpose? Who or what do you have to let go of in order to have the energy and clarity to focus your attention in the proper direction?

A Native American saying says, “eagles soar because they always focus on their goal.”

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