Who’s Got Next? The Importance of Leaving A Legacy (VIDEO blog)


Unfortunately, far too many people start to think about their legacy when their time on earth is nearing an end. Think about how much more impactful it would be if legacy comprised more of our lifelong thoughts and endeavors. You have to be intentional about building a legacy. Our success in building our legacy ensures that our purpose and vision don’t die with us.

I have often said that bad leaders produce no followers, good leaders produce many followers and great leaders produce many leaders. In our present society, the need for true and unselfish leadership has never been more apparent. It is illogical to expect people to learn the principles and importance of being honest, protecting your character, looking out for the welfare of others, and giving without expectation unless they have been taught those things.

To take it one step further, people need to witness those they follow actually living by these principles. Otherwise, they simply become good suggestions that are never practiced. The process of discipleship allows the disciple to see in a very practical way how to conduct themselves and how to model the qualities of authentic and effective leaders. In essence, it teaches them how to carry on the vision.

Watch this video and learn how and why you must build a legacy in order to sustain your vision and fulfill your purpose.

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