Life Without Instincts: Everything You Know, You Learned From Someone

We drove to the rescue event at Petsmart to get our new puppy. We were so excited! We walked around for a while and then we saw him. He was small, brown and timid. I picked him up and held him and when he looked at me I knew he was going to be the newest member of our family. We decided to name him Eli.

When we arrived home with Eli he began to familiarize himself with our house. The amazing thing is that without his parents there or any kind of training he immediately started to act like a dog. He barked like a dog, slept like a dog, ate like a dog and even nibbled on things like a dog. He even peed like a dog (often in the house). He never got confused and started acting like a snake or a cow. His identity was coded into his nature.

Human babies, on the other hand, must be taught how to do everything. I have two young daughters. We had to teach them how to eat, how to walk, how to talk, how to go to the bathroom, how to reason and even how to sleep. That last lesson was probably the most important to maintaining our sanity. We are now beginning to teach them about their Creator and their Savior. Eventually, we will plant the seeds that allow them to gain an understanding of their purpose from their Creator. All of this teaching is necessary because those dog-like animal instincts are not present in human beings.

It may take some time for them to realize the purpose with which they were born. Once they become aware of their purpose we pray that they will live in it and remain active in serving their gift to the world. We also know that there is a fine line between awareness and activation. Purposeful activity should not be a one-time occurrence. I believe one becomes great when they fulfill their purpose completely.


Human beings are the only God creation that can literally be talked out of their purpose. That is, we can at times become victims of the free will we possess. Furthermore, because we have free will we always have a choice as to whether we will walk in our God-given purpose or assume someone else’s purpose in vain. People may have told you “you can’t do that” or “that’s crazy so don’t waste your time.” However, they may not be able to see the vision that God gave you since they are not you. Don’t get me wrong, Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise” so we must be careful not to spiritualize an errant vision but we also have to be certain that we seek counsel from people who themselves understand the nature of our purpose and can therefore recognize it in us. One of the most important things to do once you have a vision is not to launch it but instead to find someone to submit to that is doing what you want to do. But no matter what you do, once you become aware of your purpose, hold on to that understanding. It is actually possible for human beings to be convinced out of or away from their assignment. This is not true for any other species. Unlike dogs, trees, or fish, there is nothing that you know about who you are and why you’re here that you weren’t expressly taught or learned experientially.


So many people have wasted so many years of their lives trying to be something or someone that they were never designed to be. If you are one of these people, you may have become complacent. Complacency is the enemy of greatness. Once you are aware of your purpose, you can begin to live in it. You can move from a state of complacency to a state of emergence. To live in your purpose is to know the value that you bring to a movement, organization, school, ministry or family. You are most alive when you know that your life has value. Understanding your value causes you to bring attention to yourself and thereby to your Creator, which brings Him glory.


Now that you are aware of your purpose and have learned the lessons that contributed to your ability to live your best life, you must remain active. There will be seasons of setback and days of disappointment but everything you’ve learned and realized about yourself and this life must be passed on to someone else. Dr. Myles Munroe said, The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.” We have to remain active in our purpose so that we can display the most important reason that we don’t live by instinct. That is because we were created in the image of God and instinct would preclude us from being able to choose to live in relationship with Him in the way that He designed us. Being active in our purpose allows others to know there is a designer and He designed them on purpose with purpose as well.