The Growth Of Your Purpose


When my daughters were young we would take them to the doctor for periodic checkups. We could chart their growth in comparison to other children or determine their growth based on where they were in height and weight at their last checkup. It goes without saying that growth was an indication of their health and progress. In fact it would be strange if we took them for a one-year checkup and they hadn’t grown since their 3-month checkup. We expected to see growth.

Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Everything changes. Since the time you were born everything you know and everyone you know has changed in some way, shape, or form. Cars have changed. Telephones have changed. Even toilet paper has changed. You and I have changed as well. However, whether the changes that take place in our goals, abilities or life choices are akin to growth is a matter that takes more investigation. Growth is defined in part as development from a simpler to a more complex stage or as completed development. The question is how do you know if something has been completely developed if you don’t know what the original thought was preceding it’s process of development?

Purpose can be defined as the original intent. Our entire lifetime is or should be spent in a process of growing towards the fulfillment of what God originally had in mind when He had us in mind. To that end, active growth looks very different than passive growth. Our activity is indicative of our allegiance to our goals. It’s one thing to say you’ll do better. It’s an entirely different thing to put measures in place that ensure you’ll do better. How are you charting your growth?


Nobody is born knowing everything they need to do. Therefore, we all start off as underdeveloped. In large part, the time it takes for us to move from this phase to one of actively being developed will be based on our commitment to the process. Without the proper nourishment it is possible that my kids would have stopped growing. What thoughts and ideas are you feasting on everyday? Who’s mentorship have you embraced? How are you feeding your vision and your purpose so that it grows in stature and influence? It is important that even in the infant stages of becoming who you will become that you get a glimpse of who you will be and what you will do. A child has very little to do with their initial growth but eventually they learn to walk and feed themselves. You may not be where you want to be but rejoice in the small but certain victories you have already won and keep growing.


We spend most of our lives developing. We are constantly growing and developing as a parent, an employee, a leader, a friend, or a business owner. If you are a leader make sure that you have a heart for the progress of others. Your contentment should be derived from witnessing the growth and development of those you oversee. This will produce a culture of unity, growth and purpose filled prosperity. Harvey Firestone said, “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” Regardless of who you are we should all be developing through reading the words of those who have achieved what we hope to achieve and by submitting to the process of discipleship that is a prerequisite of all who achieve great things.


There are a couple of different ways to look at this. Some may say that you are only fully developed once you reach the pinnacle of success or the fulfillment of your purpose. Others may feel that you’re never fully developed but are always developing until death. Regardless of where one falls on that spectrum, I’d like to add one final component to being fully developed – discipleship. If you aren’t able to pass on your knowledge to someone who can help complete your vision you haven’t fully developed that vision in your mind. If you could pass it on but choose not to, you’re just selfish. If your vision is fully developed in your mind you will realize that it is bigger than you and that humanity, not you, should benefit most from the growth that you’ve experienced.

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