Proof For The Truth Conference Interview (video blog)


G.K. Chesterton said, “Anytime you get ready to remove a fence always pause long enough to figure out why it was put there in the first place.” We live in a world that is continuing to remove fences – in our laws, in the way we identify ourselves, in the very idea of what it means to be human. And all of this is largely being done based on preference and not proof.

When you are taking a test (some of you all may have to think back a ways) typically the highest score is 100%. Everything is judged against how close you came to that standard. The issue of our day is that no one agrees on what that 100% would be when it comes to morality, lifestyle, character, or excellence in life.

We need an objective, unchanging, unmoving external point of reference to act as our standard so that we know once we have achieved the proper attainment in any area of our lives or in society or a governmental policy. In essence this can’t be one of those quizzes where the teacher says grade it yourself as I tell you the answers. We desperately need an external standard bearer who can tell us objectively whether we have hit the 100% mark or at least tell us that we’re getting closer.

That is why the issue for one that doesn’t believe in God as an external and transcendent point of reference is not that they can’t be good without knowing God. The issue is that they can never say for sure what ‘good’ is if there’s no God.

Watch this interview at our Proof For The Truth Conference to understand the importance of engaging in apologetics and how to do so.

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