Five Important Quotes About Purpose

My daughters have recently taken a liking to playing monkey in the middle. However, when we play, they actually argue over who gets to be in the middle. They laugh and giggle as they spin around aimlessly and wrestle each other for the coveted “middle spot.” I have to remind them that the purpose of the game is to get out of the middle.

Purpose is defined as the original intent. It is the ‘why’ behind the ‘what.’ We are often asked, “What do you do?” but we are rarely asked, “Why?” Without a “why,” determination inevitably wanes. Without a “why,” joy tends to subside. Without a “why,” your focus will falter. We all have a purpose. Here are 5 quotes on purpose that may help bring you clarity.

“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.” – Dr. Myles Munroe

At one time or another, most of us have sat on a chair as well as a toilet. Both support our weight and both are well designed to achieve their purpose. However, if you are visiting a friend and, while sitting on their chair, you attempt to use it as a toilet, it’s safe to say you probably won’t be invited back. Function is key in understanding how to maximize the purpose for something.

If you don’t know the purpose for which you were created, you will at some point abuse your life. I am speaking from experience. Not knowing my purpose or that I even had one led me to abuse drugs and alcohol and thereby my life. I almost aborted my purpose. In the end, giving birth to my purpose saved my life.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

 It may seem odd to some people that I’m quoting Friedrich Nietzsche. We differ greatly on our worldview, but sometimes we can find common ground even with those who have an opposite outlook. While I agree with this quote, it is ironic that Nietzsche’s worldview doesn’t seem to be able to support the foundation for its truth. However, I’ll leave that discussion for another day.

We have to learn to focus on the why when the how starts to get difficult. We all experience pain and suffering at some point. How you deal with pain and suffering will largely be determined by what you know to be on the other side of that pain. Going through a dark tunnel is possible if you know that there is light on the other end of it. Without purpose, the light that keeps us going, life can become one long, dark and even eternal tunnel.

Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” – God

Regardless of your philosophical or theological beliefs this is a statement that needs to be considered. God gives life ultimate purpose. He lets us know that He has formed us for His glory. To be shaped by the divine automatically imputes value to each one of us. With value comes meaning and with meaning comes hope.

If we remove God from the equation how does one arrive at an idea of ultimate value or purpose in life? A Godless life then is simply just existing until death with no rhyme or reason and ultimately no reason for existing in the first place. This is not necessarily a reason to believe that God exists but it is a truth one must wrestle with if they believe that He doesn’t exist.

“WHATs are products, services and job functions we perform. HOWs are values, guiding principles and actions that make us stand out. The WHY defines what the organization stands for—it is the collective purpose, cause or belief.” – Simon Sinek

Knowing the difference between what you do, how you do it and why you do it is vital in completing your purpose in life. Your how informs the ways in which you facilitate the completion of your why. The whats are what you use, create, or acquire in order to accomplish your why.

For example, your purpose may be to help boys become men. There are many ways (hows) for this to be done from teaching in a school to starting a non-profit. Or maybe your purpose is to help business owners realize their vision. What you use in order to accomplish this goal could range from coaching sessions to seminars to books.

“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” – Dr. Myles Munroe

There isn’t much more that needs to be said here. Don’t die because you’re old. Die because you’re empty. We aren’t just breathing to death. We exist for a purpose. Once you buy into this reality your life will truly begin. We have but one life to live and the focus with which we live it will determine how well it was lived.

We long for significance and that is found in the successful fulfillment of our purpose.

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