10 Important Life Lessons To Live By

In general there are two ways to acquire wisdom – divine inspiration and experience. However, that experience doesn’t have to be your own. In fact, it is often better to learn from others’ mistakes as opposed to gaining insight by failing all of life’s tests. No one is perfect and we will all learn some things the hard way, but in an effort to minimize those painful experiences here are some life lessons that you can learn the easy way.

The fulfillment of your purpose depends upon your wise decision-making. Commit to learning and applying these and other lessons as you advance through life. Finally, once you gain an understanding make sure to share these with those you know and love.

LESSON 1 – Discovering an answer is more valuable than being provided one

Nothing is yours until you discover it for yourself. One reason Jesus often spoke in parables is because He wanted to respect everyone’s right to remain ignorant. He never wanted to assume that anyone wanted the information He was giving out. What have you discovered in life? It is likely that you have a better memory for anything you learned serendipitously or through your own investigative efforts than what you Googled last night.

We are more likely to share the wisdom of a discovery with enthusiasm than the factoid gained with little exertion. In life you will discover things about yourself that you love and hate. Both discoveries will be effective guides on your path of purpose if you allow their revelations to do the leading.

LESSON 2 – It’s better to fail loving what you do than succeed doing what you hate

What glory is there in being the best fighter when your heart longs for peace? What benefit is there in being a master of demolition when your passion is to build businesses? Sometimes we get a job and then get stuck on that job simply because we are afraid of missing a paycheck. That is a natural and reasonable fear. In fact it is so reasonable that it may not allow room for the unreasonable and unmistakable means through which God reveals life’s purpose to each of us.

Furthermore, failing and failure are different. Failing is temporary and if we learn the proper lessons we can once again find ourselves on the path to success. Failure is permanent because it means we have given up hope and have ceased making efforts. Failure is the pallbearer that escorts purpose out of our lives.

LESSON 3 – The best person to determine whether you are a good leader is not you, it’s those that follow you       

As a former track athlete, I know that when you are running a race it is best not to look behind you while running. You are to get a sense of where everyone is and govern your pace accordingly. However, in life, and especially in leadership, if you never look behind you there is always the chance that you are running alone. Leadership isn’t about winning. It’s about creating a legacy. In order for that to happen you will need to create new leaders from those who follow you.

With a sincere heart, ask them questions such as, “What can I do better?” or “How can I better serve you?” A genuine question posed from a leader to those whom they lead can shift the trajectory of a ministry, organization, or business. Those that follow you will be further emboldened to carry out your vision once they know that you value their desire to be a part of it.

LESSON 4 – Actions don’t change until beliefs change

I’m not interested in behavior modification. I’m interested in mind transformation. All of us should be this way both in our personal lives as well as in our professional lives. What you learn may cause you to think differently, but what you believe will compel you to act differently. Beliefs govern actions and therefore the root of every great movement is grounded in changing the beliefs of a people. This is true in society, business, family and ministry.

Ask yourself, where do my beliefs come from? Do you need to change your beliefs about yourself? Do you believe you have a purpose? Do you believe that you can fulfill it? How do your beliefs govern your daily actions? Have you yet to make a believer out of yourself, about yourself?

LESSON 5 – Objective morality must transcend that which it governs

Truth should always be our guide. And if that truth is fluid or subject to change it can’t be trusted in times of uncertainty. We know that 1+1=2. If that fact were to change it would successively alter all other mathematical and scientific concepts. If gravity took a day off we would no longer exist on Earth. Likewise, without an objective transcendent source for morality we are left to govern our actions based on a consensus or the best ideas we can individually come up with.

However, is that livable? Are you willing to trust your livelihood to humans who daily demonstrate their insensitivity, insecurities and ignorance? If we don’t live according to an unchanging standard we are at all times subject to the whims and ways of the species that gave us cigarettes and the Atomic bomb. Ground your morality in God, who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Stay tuned for Lessons 6-10 next week @ www.relentlesspursuitofpurpose.com

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