A Goal Without A Plan

A recent story in Reader’s Digest illuminates why a properly laid plan is essential to achieving a goal. In it, “A Wisconsin man tried to save money by painting the exterior of his house himself. First he took off the old layer of paint with a blowtorch. He successfully removed the paint, but he also removed much of the house when it went up in flames.”

Even the best laid plans will be met with obstacles and issues. But a goal without a plan is just a wish. The desires of our heart often never make it past the stage of being a fanciful wish. Often, our actions don’t coincide with the goals we verbalize. The process of getting a wish to become a goal involves a commitment to plan and then a commitment to that plan. If the entirety of the process of realizing your goal consisted of ten steps, knowing what to do would only be step one. Knowing how you will get it done would be steps two through ten. Have you ever had an idea that never came to fruition?

The most likely reason an idea doesn’t become a reality is not because of the intellect of the individual but rather the failure of the individual to chart a proper course of completion. Some people that we call ‘inventors’ were simply people that saw an issue in society or a problem that needed to be solved and then devised a plan to correct it. If you and I spend more time planning and less time wishing, we will accomplish some truly amazing goals and will find purpose in life.


What is a plan? A plan is defined as a method of acting, doing, proceeding or making that is developed in advance. In order for the idea to become a reality or the goal to be achieved, a proper plan must be enacted. Every invention, from the car, to the airplane, to the computer began with an idea. Those ideas took shape and were completed only by engaging in a process of research, investment, and hard work. Without the process there won’t be a product. The process is where the rubber meets the road. It’s easy to sit around and think up ideas. It’s difficult to invest the time, resources, and work required to bringing the idea to life. The purpose of a plan is to provide clarity and focus so that when obstacles invariably abound, we have a well-defined course to which we can realign ourselves once we deal with the obstacle.

If you know that there are 5 steps that must be taken in order to accomplish your goal, you are not doing yourself any favors by skipping steps 2 and 3. Discipline is the bridge between almost done and well done. In order to accomplish my goals I knew I needed to connect with experts, so I did. I knew I needed to read a lot more, so I set daily reading goals. I knew I had to invest in myself and my business. Although, my bank account often made me think twice, I knew the investment was an indispensable part of the plan. What is your plan? Do you know your ‘why’ but not your ‘how’? Are there any steps that you have skipped that you now realize are necessary components in attaining your goal?


As much attention as we need to give to each step in our plan it is also important not to lose sight of the purpose that undergirds our planning. There is a purpose or a goal at the forefront of your planning. There is a reason you feel compelled to see your vision or idea realized. That reason is the heart of your purpose for living. That purpose is bigger than you. As I’ve stated before, you were born on purpose with a purpose. Once you understand that, the next step is to pray, network and study. This will allow you to craft a solid plan that will enable you to walk in your purpose. Poorly laid plans don’t do justice to the greatness inside of you. We owe it to God, our community and ourselves to create plans that coincide with the brilliance and magnitude of the One who gave us a purpose. Your purpose is already inside of you. How well we plan or if we plan will determine if or how it comes out.

            “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

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