Frustration: The Worst Part About Birthing Your Vision

This past Christmas, my daughters got the game Frustration. The name says it all. Each player has four pieces they need to move from start to finish. By clicking the see-through bubble in the center of the board, the dice inside the bubble bounces around and reveals the number of spaces you are to move. Hopefully, you make it all the way around to your safe zone before another player knocks your piece back to your starting point. Unfortunately and frustratingly, those hopes are usually dashed.

If you’re like me, there are times in your life where just when you feel you’ve made significant progress, something comes along to knock you down. Just when you thought your business was going to take off, a pipe bursts and you have to renovate the building. Just when you begin to get traction in your profession, new rules are introduced that seem to nullify all of your progress.

Life can be frustrating. We all know it. We all experience it. The only way to avoid it is to never attempt to accomplish anything. Frustration never feels good but it always teaches us valuable lessons if we’re paying attention. Frustration can be the nail in the coffin of a vision you had or it can be the nail in the foundation of what you will eventually build. How we respond to instances of frustration will determine how and when our purpose is fulfilled. Decide today to proceed while frustrated.


Often, whatever frustrates you in life is what you were born to solve. By this I do not mean you are responsible for getting rid of your obnoxious little sister. If bad drivers frustrate you and cause you to struggle with road rage that does not mean your goal in life should be to eliminate all bad drivers.

What problem do you see and wonder why no one has addressed it yet? In fact, when you see the problem you say to yourself “well if they just did x, y, and z that would fix that.” It seems so easy to you because the solution is inside of you. People are most often known for one of two things – either the problems they create or the problems they solve. Be the solution to someone’s problem and you will watch your life go from average to exceptional.


Be careful with this question. I don’t mean who do you hate at work? Or in your family? Who frustrates you because they don’t use their talents and abilities effectively? Who frustrates you because they don’t live up to their word? Who frustrates you because you see their capabilities but they haven’t exited the land of potential? These questions are especially important if you’re in leadership. Whether you’re leading a family or a company, people will usually be your greatest frustration.

On a personal level, sometimes people cannot assess your worth and therefore they treat you like you’re worthless. This is why you need to know who you are. Don’t allow validation or lack thereof to rob you of your destiny. Make sure your perspective is rooted in your honest assessment of who you are and what you’re capable of and not in the opinions of those who frustrate you.


Generally, I agree with the notion that you should bloom where you’re planted. It’s true that we need to learn to maximize our effectiveness where we are before we start launching out on our own. However, there comes a point when where you are is not where you should remain. There is a season to be groomed into who you will become and there is a season where your growth is stagnated by continuing to remain there.

Purpose and positioning are similar but not the same. You could know your purpose but still not operate in the proper place. Likewise, you could be properly positioned where God needs you to be but if you don’t know your purpose you will be ineffective or frustrated in that place. Don’t confuse frustration with growing pains. Where you are may take time to get used to but once you adapt to your new surroundings your purpose will begin to blossom and your vision will continue to take shape.

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