Fear: Is Your Purpose Being Held Hostage?

Happy Halloween! Tonight, (mostly) children will dress up in outfits that inspire fear in passersby. Little ghosts and goblins will walk the streets in search of candy from their neighbors near or far, known or unknown. This ritual exchange of costumes for candy occurs every October and is generally a time to let loose, relax and enjoy the season. While the fear associated with Halloween is all fun and games, the fear that cripples and stagnates many people is anything but fun.

Studies show that 6.3 million Americans have a diagnosed phobia. Additionally, 60% of people fear things that are likely to never take place. 74% of people suffer from glossophobia, which is the fear of public speaking. At his first inaugural speech, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!” Based on the current data, it seems that people have come up with a lot more things to fear than fear itself.

Proverbs 22:13 says, “The lazy man says, ‘There is a lion outside! I shall be slain in the streets!” Laziness and fear go hand in hand. Laziness is the product of purpose that is misunderstood. You aren’t here to just exist. You are here to produce. Oftentimes we are scared of things that aren’t really going to happen. Whether they will happen or not isn’t even a possibility many times. When we are fearful, we tend to procrastinate. When we procrastinate, we delay the fulfillment of our purpose. When we delay the fulfillment of our purpose, we might miss an opportunity necessary to the completion of our purpose.

I can think of several phone calls that I was scared to make because I feared rejection or not being good enough. In one such instance, I got over my fear (or at least suppressed it), which led to an amazing opportunity. As a result of that phone call, I was booked and flown to speak at a national conference and enjoyed the opportunity to meet people from all over the country. I would have missed my chance if I didn’t, as my friends at Nike say, just do it.


This is a fear that we probably have all had at one point in time. No one likes to look foolish or be embarrassed. Therefore, we think that if we simply don’t try then we don’t have to worry about failing. But is that true? It depends on how we define failure and it also depends on WHO defines failure. Jesus says in Matt. 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you.” He is speaking of a deep and relational knowledge. This comes through doing His will.

There are 3 words for will in Greek and this “will” is thelema (what one wishes; of what God wishes to be done by us; commands; precepts). In essence, this ‘will’ is the purpose He desires for you to do. Therefore, God defines failure as unfulfilled purpose.


This may sound strange but some people actually fear success, leading them to avoid it (whether consciously or not). Psychologists note that some people are more afraid of success than failure. It can actually mimic a trauma reaction for some. If God created you to be successful in a certain area and you don’t achieve in that area because of your fear, it is a slap in the face of God. While we should never chase fame for our own glory and it may seem honorable to eschew such recognition, you may actually be robbing God of getting glory out of you. Remember, God wants you to succeed! He loves you! He wants you to be your best because it shows Him at His best.


We’ve all probably been rejected at one or even many points in our lives, but guess what – you’re still here. It didn’t kill you. Every great person has been rejected at some point, but if they had given up at the point of being rejected they would never have created what they created, invented what they invented, launched what they launched, or built what they built. The truth is that if giving birth to your purpose was not met with opposition, you should question if it’s what you should be devoting your life to. Rejection is not the parachute that impedes your progress. It is the catapult that propels you towards success.

Are you ready to get over the fear of being rejected and take that leap towards greatness?

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4 Replies to “Fear: Is Your Purpose Being Held Hostage?”

  1. Good stuff! I have to examine how much of this applies to me, but I appreciate it. I may have issues, but I don’t fear anything. That’s not my hindrance.

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