Created On Purpose (ONE-MINUTE Video Blog)

The Creator created us to create. This is why you feel fulfilled when you complete an assignment or build a team or an organization. This is why the accomplishment you feel inside when you see your vision become a reality cannot be compared to simply being given a sum of money. He created you for “good works prepared beforehand”, which means He saw your purpose before He saw you. In other words, the reason He created you was because He needed to.

Everywhere I look I see purpose. When I’m in the shower my mind is thinking of how to advance my purpose or how to help others advance theirs. When I watch TV I will invariably hear a line from someone on the show that gives me an idea for a blog post. When I am in conversation with a client, my wife, or a friend they often say something that sparks an idea for a blog post or a lesson I will teach. My brain is hardwired to create at all times. I believe we all, in different ways are hardwired to create something.

However, the reason that we are designed this way is because life has a larger purpose. Dr. Ravi Zacharias said, “All the tiny little purposes become purposeful because your life itself has purpose. If you don’t have ultimate purpose then all these tiny little purposes become nothing else but ways of tranquilizing your boredom.” The worldview we espouse will by and large determine our understanding of the meaning of life itself. This is important because if life has no ultimate purpose then neither do you or I. In that case, there would be no purpose to fulfill, assignment to complete, or reason to exist.

Watch this video and learn how you’ve been created!

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