Purpose Can’t Live In A House Of Complaints

Most complaints lack substance and sincerity. In the book, Live Your Dreams, motivational speaker, Les Brown tells the following story:

There was a young man walking down the street and happened to see an old man sitting on his porch. Next to the old man was his dog, who was whining and whimpering. The young man asked the old man “What’s wrong with your dog?” The old man said, “He’s laying on a nail.” The young man asked “Laying on a nail? Well why doesn’t he get up?” The old man then replied “It’s not hurting badly enough.”

How often have we heard someone proclaim that this day, or week, or month, or whatever is the worst one of their life? You’ve probably yourself said, “this is too much to handle” or “I need a change in my life.” The question when those statements were made is – did the person making the statement do anything differently to facilitate what they said they wanted? When we complain are we like the dog who is whining but isn’t willing to take small steps to improve his situation?

Someone once said, “Complaining is a complete waste of one’s energy. Those who complain the most accomplish the least. Life becomes more challenging if all you do is complain.” Although this quote is anonymous its truth is ubiquitous. We each have a finite amount of time and energy to use each day. Much of the time we spend complaining could be spent problem-solving. Much of the energy we exert voicing our complaints could be utilized discussing our recommendations.

A litany of complaints can become the bricks in a house that no one wishes to live in. The purpose we were designed to fulfill needs free reign to grow and develop. Houses of complaints are too small to accommodate all that is inside of you. Our purpose is stifled when complaints overwhelm suggestions. Therefore, decide today to demolish any walls of complaints that exist in your life.


Most complaints start small. “That was tough.” “I didn’t like that.” Then before we know it we’ve created a worldview around these types of statements. Often, one bad experience is just that…one bad experience. When we create generalized predictions about all future events based on one bad experience the house of complaints is born.

Sometimes we tolerate small lies or slightly twisted truths. The problem is that they don’t stay small. Small lies are birthed but grow to become big lies. A tough day becomes a tough year. A tough year becomes 10 years suffocating in mediocrity. What you say and what you believe matter. Have you complained yourself into stagnation? Have the complaints of someone else caused fear and doubt to be birthed within you?


A house is not a house if it only has a few bricks. When all the bricks are put together we no longer see ‘bricks’ – we see a wall. A small complaint in and of itself may not be an issue. A wall of complaints is an issue. You can’t jump over a wall. You can’t look over a wall. You can only break through a wall or tear down a wall.

The most difficult step in dealing with a wall of complaints is recognizing it for what it is. Subjective truth changes over time. For example, when you first complained about not being qualified it was true. But you’ve been doing this for 10 years now. You’re overqualified! Stop complaining about not being worthy of more. Every brick of complaint that you honestly assess based on who you are now needs to be removed – brick by brick.


Sooner or later most people get tired of hearing complaints. Hopefully, we get tired of making them as well. Complaints often stem from a misunderstanding of purpose. Purpose is specific in its direction. It requires intentionality and is not aimless. Conversely, complaints take our mind in a myriad of directions. Knowledge of one’s purpose will keep them more focused on fulfilling that objective than being sidetracked by a million “what ifs” and “how comes.”

A purpose-led lifestyle will encourage complaint-less living. Those that live with purpose realize that there is always more to do and that’s a good thing. People who stop having a reason to live usually stop living. Even if they are still breathing their life has ceased producing substance. I’ve asked before, “Are you living or just breathing to death?” Now I ask, “Are you living with purpose or being killed by complaints?” The world needs the purpose inside of you to come out but if every exit is blocked by complaints that may never happen.

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