Are You A Clutch Player?

Recently I was watching the NBA playoffs and in a game versus the Indiana Pacers, Lebron James hit a three-point buzzer beater in order to win the game. Even if you aren’t a Lebron fan, that moment was exciting! When everything is on the line and failure is imminent not everyone is able to come through in the clutch. In fact, the reason we celebrate clutch players the way we do is precisely because they do want most cannot.

Sometimes in life we are placed in positions in which we have to come through in the clutch because we didn’t adequately prepare in advance. For example, at the beginning of the semester your teacher told you the date of the midterm and even the range of material that would be covered on the test, yet you decided to wait until the night before to learn and memorize all 10 chapters from the textbook. (I’ve tried and failed to do this as well.)

Other times our clutch skills are called upon due to unforeseen circumstances that prevent or hinder our carefully laid out plan from proceeding as intended. And sometimes, due to human error we are required to be clutch players. Recently, I was going to speak to a room full of 200 students and in an attempt to perfect my presentation, I was rehearsing it in the hotel room. Moments before I was called to the stage I frantically searched my bag and realized I left my notes on the hotel room bed. Without showing visible signs of panic I took out my laptop, which had a previous revision of my talk, and brought it to the stage as though that were my original intent. I ended up not using it much at all and it was one of the best talks I’ve had in recent memory.

Regardless of the reason that your life puts you in these sink or swim, be clutch or fail moments, they are always revelatory. What can you learn about how to perfect your purpose by how you respond in clutch moments?


How we respond in clutch moments allows us to learn things about ourselves that we couldn’t learn any other way. I learned that I knew my material better than I believed. At the moment I thought I needed my notes the most, I didn’t have them. But the show must go on. I couldn’t say let’s reschedule or give me some time to go get my notes. I had to perform. I felt pressure but I couldn’t let the audience see me sweat. As a business executive, parent or leader of any kind you too can identify with wanting to handle moments of despair with grace and strength so that those you lead don’t know the severity of the situation. Harvey Mackay said, “to be a champion, you have to learn to handle stress and pressure. But if you’ve prepared mentally and physically, you don’t have to worry.” I was prepared for the moment I didn’t know was coming because I had prepared in case the moment ever came.


They say “pressure busts pipes.” Another perspective from Kobe Bryant is that, “everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” Sometimes it is difficult to have this perspective in the moment but hopefully after reading this you will have this mindset first the next time you are in a clutch moment. History is replete with tales of average citizens who stepped in to help others when danger arose. There are countless accounts of people rising to the occasion in life or death situations. I pray these will not be the composition of all or any of your clutch moments but I hope that you and I can display the same mental fortitude in dealing with the challenges associated with relentlessly pursuing the fulfillment of our purpose. When you see the problem that only you can solve, don’t hesitate. Clutch players seize opportunities where others are handicapped by the potential risks. William Feather said, “Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” With proper preparation and training your ability to hang on will be strengthened and the likelihood of you coming through in the clutch will be increased.

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