Boundaries Provide The Freedom To Excel

When my three year old was able to color and remain within the lines we celebrated her. When my six year old learned to write neater we celebrated her. From time to time I receive positive feedback about my blog posts, but no one ever takes note of my correct grammar or syntax. I certainly don’t expect to be celebrated for formulating complete sentences. We celebrate such achievements in younger people because they are only beginning to learn the benefits of boundaries.

It seems we now live in a world that is increasingly averse to boundaries. In a society that is increasingly opposed to absolutes of any kind, how do we maintain objective standards? What does it mean to have a standard? A standard for your morality or work ethic? Is there any room left for a transcendent and unmoving standard? What boundaries are imposed upon us and what are the benefits of those boundaries?

When we watch a football game or play the game of soccer, we understand that there are rules to abide by and boundary lines that we can’t cross. This knowledge not only aids us in playing the game, but actually makes the game more enjoyable. In Jesus Among Secular Gods, Vince Vitale notes, “It is our knowledge of the start, the finish, the objective, and the rules of a game that provide us with the freedom to play it and to enjoy it in a meaningful way.”

Why then is there so much disagreement around moral boundaries? How do we find meaning in life in a world that increasingly sends the message that life has no meaning? Can we excel in our purpose if there is no standard to adhere to? If there is no external standard of excellence by which to judge our actions, how will we ever know if we get better?


When you are taking a test (some of you all may have to think back a ways) typically the highest score is 100%. Everything is judged against how close you came to that standard. The issue of our day is that no one agrees on what that 100% would be when it comes to morality, lifestyle, character, or excellence in life.

The mantra of the day is “do you” or “do what makes you happy” or “do what feels right.” Those are the absolute worst criteria to determine success or achievement in life. What made you happy 10 years ago could disgust you today. What felt right last year may feel horrible this year. So if we are using happiness or feeling as our standard by which to judge our actions or achievements, then we are always chasing a moving target.

We need an objective, unchanging, unmoving external point of reference to act as our standard so that we know once we have achieved the proper attainment in any area of our lives. In essence this can’t be one of those quizzes where the teacher says grade it yourself as I tell you the answers. We desperately need an external standard bearer who can tell us objectively whether we have hit the 100% mark or at least tell us that we’re getting closer.

God and the Word of God provide the best boundaries because they are unshifting and consistent. Jesus said in Matthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Peter writes, “All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the Word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:24-25). In order to know right from wrong and good from evil, there has to be a standard…an unchanging standard.


If there is not a transcendent source that provides our lives with ultimate meaning, then not only is life meaningless but we have no purpose either. A transcendent source such as God provides intentional boundaries that allow us to live purposeful lives. Our world seems to think that freedom is equivalent to each individual creating their own set of rules to live by. Many people deny the existence of objective truths in order to arrive at this boundary-less existence promoted under the guise of freedom or autonomy. However, Philosopher Roger Scruton says, “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that truth is ‘merely relative,’ is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.”

Our goal isn’t to exist, but to excel. However, if there are no boundaries or guidelines in place, how do we ever know if we’re growing or declining? If the 100% standard doesn’t exist we have no benchmark by which to judge our actions. But if we recognize the standard, the ultimate boundary, we can excel in perfecting the purpose inside of us. Excellence is rehearsed in our dedication to even the most menial of tasks so that it can be perfected in the most important tasks. We need a standard of excellence in doing the little things so that it is second nature when we do the big things.

There is a standard that exists for assessing our progress, success or achievement that isn’t reliant on comparing ourselves to others? God will judge how successful we are at aligning with the standard of excellence He has placed in you and I. As long as your standard for excellence is focused on fulfilling your purpose completely, God will be pleased and your life will be fulfilled. Thank God for boundaries! Your standard for excellence needs to be rooted in something outside of you but lived out by everything inside of you.

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